Carinas fotoblogg

Kika gärna in i min blogg! Jag blir glad om du lämnar ett avtryck genom en kommentar:) /Carina:)

En trevlig midsommarafton - a nice evening....

And why did I change language to english now, I always write in Swedish. Last night our friends Åsa, Jörgen and Jacob visited us. The brought some friends too, from India. I want them to understand this blog as well. I probably spell a lot of words in the wrong way, but it doesn´t matter. When I talked english there came a lot of mixed words out of me, a little bit of swedish, english and maybe something else. But, I prefere to talk anyway, and I don´t care if it´s not perfect. Just like my spelling now. Here´s som pictures from last night, from dinner and our competition. We compete in five different competitions, just for fun. And the price was candy, for everyone:) Some of the competitions were new for Jim, Sujit and Kamal.

My daughter Sanna:)

Made by Åsa:)



Jacob, Leif serving food to Sujit and Malin (press the pictures, to see them bigger....)

Jim, Sujit and Kamal didn´t dare to say no when I came with my camera:)

Jacob started....


Jacob and Jörgen

I competed too....


I almost missed Malin in this picture, but she didn´t miss with the ball...

Jacob looked at the results....

This year the winner was Jörgen, but next year it´s my turn:)

I had a very nice evening and I hope everyone else had it too....


Inlagt 2011-06-25 20:46 | Läst 5170 ggr. | Permalink
Ni såg ut att ha riktigt skoj! Kul när man anordnar småtävlingar i kombination med god mat och dryck. :-)
Svar från Carina Hedlund 2011-06-26 10:59
Tack Rei! Ja, vi hade trevligt! Tävlingarna är inte så svåra, alla ska ha möjlighet att vara med... (och vinna:)

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